Getting Engaged


We would love to gather with you as regularly as possible. If we are a family, family has to see each other regularly to bond. God is happy when his family is all together. It is a chance to worship together and be encouraged by a word from God.

Small Group

Whatever encouragement you get from Sunday, will not sustain you throughout the week. Small groups are the backbone to ministry at MSF. Do life with one another and get a more hands-on discipleship experience. In Acts 2, we are commanded to meet and spur one another on. Small groups are the best way to do this, see what current small groups we offer HERE. 


Giving is an outpouring of a generous spirit. Tithing regularly shows that you trust the Lord with what He has already given you. It is how we are able to do kingdom work through the local church. Visit our GIVE page to see your options for giving.


God has given you each a set of spiritual gifts, passions and skills. If we are a body, made up of all different parts, and God is the head…we need whatever He has given you to build up the body. No part is too small, just a larger part of our family.


To find more information please reach out to our office. Already interested in one of our serving opportunities? Let us know!